The 4-star hotel, with its compact volume, aims to embrace and fill the marina while extending the promenade into its interior.This is possible due to its proximity to the unspoilt La Hierbabuena beach and Breña Natural Park.
The building is placed between these natural limits, giving up much of its surface area to green spaces to integrate it into the surroundings.
One objective behind the project is to enhance the value of Barbate Marina, reducing the visual impact it may have on the area as much as possible. It is proposed to extend the promenade towards the port interior, from the hotel complex.
A curved linear building is conceived to protect the interior from strong winds in the area. On the other hand, a rectilinear parallelepiped appears parallel to the marina, which aims to formalise the elevation of the port and provide a service to it.

The intervention considers all architectural, urban and landscape elements of the surroundings so that the project is an integrating piece of all these factors. Thus, the 4* Hotel project aims to fill the promenade that delimits the seaport of Barbate and unify the two urban-port areas in order to enhance the tourist-commercial value of this area
From a landscape point of view, the project improves the sight and panoramic view of the access to Barbate from the A-2233 road, as well as that of the seaport itself, which is currently undeveloped and with degraded traditional constructions.

The project is conceived as a public residential, sports, restaurant and commercial complex. It is implemented in a way that enhances the strategic location of the plot, located between La Hierbabuena Beach and Barbate seaport.
The hotel gardens and the maritime area, with its internal bathing areas, participate in a balanced transition between both spaces.

Developing this idea leads us to rearrange these spaces, producing new atmospheres that enhance the possibilities offered by this Seaport:
- Commercial area.
- Pedestrian area redeveloped with green spaces.
- Pavement area next to roads.
- Motorhome area with better access from the main roads.
- Bike Centre area to support and promote the Trafalgar Coast cycle touring route.
The building itself, by means of its geometry and the existing defence wall, creates a space protected from the strong winds of the area, creating an interior area reminiscent of the tuna catching in the tuna traps, surrounded by fishing boats.

The idea that has been followed to the end The need imposed by the programme to design an attractive architectural space that respects and integrates with urban core constructions and port buildings, while at the same time being economically viable through its operation, and the in-depth analysis to generate the least possible impact on the landscape, led the building to be resolved in PB+2+A, separating it from La Hierbabuena beach and leaning against the marina.
The complex is formed by a single volume that is sectioned horizontally to curve in the north area, opening up to the south, as well as embracing the aforementioned interior space.

«Apoyamos el nuevo hotel en el puerto de Barbate»
Ecologistas en Acción ha conocido con satisfacción el inicio de los trámites de la Agencia Pública de Puertos de Andalucía, para la concesión de terrenos en el puerto de Barbate, para la construcción de un hotel. Ésta es una de las alternativas que hemos venido defendiendo los ecologistas a las macrourbanizaciones proyectadas a lo largo del litoral barbateño.
«El puerto de Barbate podrá contar con un hotel de cuatro estrellas»
Según ha explicado la Junta en una nota, una vez recibida la solicitud por parte de una empresa interesada en la construcción de un hotel de cuatro estrellas con 190 habitaciones, plazas de aparcamientos, restaurante, zonas deportivas con piscina y locales comerciales…
«Tratmite de Competencia para la presentación de propuestas alternativas a la solicitud de Concesión Administrativa para la ocupación…»
Organismo: Fomento, Infraestructuras y Ordenación del Territorio.
Fecha de publicación: 16/11/2021
«La Junta tramita ya la solicitud para poder construir un hotel en el puerto de Barbate»
La Agencia Pública de Puertos de Andalucía tramita la solicitud de Bering Sea Invests para la concesión de suelo con el objetivo de construir un hotel…
«El puerto gaditano de Barbate podrá contar con un nuevo hotel de cuatro estrellas»
La Consejería de Fomento, Infraestructuras y Ordenación del Territorio, a través de la Agencia Pública de Puertos de Andalucía (APPA), ha iniciado los trámites de competencia de proyectos para el otorgamiento de concesión administrativa…
Bering Sea Invest S.L.
Address: Avda. Reino Unido nº 7, planta 4, Mod. B 2-3 de Sevilla, 41012.
Architectural Society: Dimtec Gestión de Proyectos S.L.
Address: calle Eagle 7 de Alcalá de Guadaira, Sevilla, 41500.
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